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Police Warning

Police Warning

Watch Out For This Scam

Police say that the gang usually is comprised of four members,

one adult and three juveniles.
Further details

La Marina

Caught in the act you might say. Nice to see a bit of humour on this forum instead of all the moans and groans.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-06 09:11:52 UTC

If you see these villains,do yourself a favour and dont duck

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-06 09:35:49 UTC

I dont want to harp on about the police and music, but last night I was in Barstop when the police turned up about 11.45 saying your not allowed karaoke. There was a conversation with the owner and someone else in spanish and at that point the evening ended with regard to the karaoke and music. It wasnt loud so I dont know what all this stuff about music exceeding 90d was all about and clearly the police dont know about this rule.
Tonight I have just passed the Sports complex and low and behold the music is pumping out of there and people are up dancing and it pretty loud what with it all being outside. Its nearly 11.30. So the question is.....why is it ok for them? Would it have anything to do with the owners being Spanish?( or so I am told) There really has to be a clear set of rules for everyone...............
sorry moan over.

La Marina

Yes quite agree Nikki - there has to be the same rules for all the Bars/Restaurants on the urb regardless of Nationality. A set time to stop the music is needed, and as I have previously posted tonight - I said that I think 12 midnight is absolutely very reasonable for music to stop, and that is quite late enough for most people.

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-04 21:58:05 UTC

I think that it is fairly common knowledge that a couple living just across the road from International Supermarket have had a "vendeta" over several years with both past and present owners of Bar Stop.
I would imagine, from what we have read in here, that the police are duty bound to respond to all complaints whether valid or not?
Presumably they continue to disrupt the pleasure of the customers to their own selfish ends?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-05 06:15:52 UTC

You are right to harp on about the way some Bars are persecuted by the police.This sort of treatment has to be sorted.I understand why some people dont want to get involved in the politics of where they liveand how it is run,surely unless the bar owners meet up and have a word with the council and the police,these occurences will keep happening,it does seem to be some sort of inverted racism happening and that can lead to all sorts of problems if not controlled,let us not think it only happens in bars so does not concern us,this is just a start and next time it will be something else that the police go overboard about,and that can well involve anyone living in La let us all get behind the bar owners and get this one sided arguement sorted once and for all

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-05 07:10:43 UTC

Hi Nikki. My name is Helena and I am one of the owners of La Marina Sport Complex. I am icelandic, my husband is italian and the couple that own the swimming pool and the bowling green are italian, so spanish we are not! There is no music license for outside entertainment unless we are in the fiestas (then you can haveit as loud and late as you like). If no one complains about the music or it is not to loud we hope we can work without the police interfering. Hope the residents and the holiday makers of Urb. La Marina can enjoy some entertainment this summer regardeless of NATIONALITIES of the bar owners. If you go to the townhall you can get better information there about the rules (which are same for everyone).
With regards Helena

Commented hellab in La Marina 2011-07-05 10:56:45 UTC

Thanks Hellab
For your info.on the ownership of the Sports Complex.But the point on finding out from the Town Hall what the rules are for noise from commercial businesses are still not apparant,as it was only a few weeks ago,it was explained on this forum by a local councillor,when police will intervene after a complaint regarding noise,It was quite obvious from his explanation that once a complaint has been received and the police investigate even if the noise level is low and the complainent does not retract their complaint , the police will insist the noise is quietened.That i think is the on going problem,And is why I suggested that bar owners got together and en-masse soet the problem out with the council and the police

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-05 11:54:43 UTC

Hi Helena, Thank you for putting me straight on the Sports Complex. I am not having a go at anyone personally, please dont think that. I am just saying that the rules have to be fair for all of us.
Alan I think you are right. Maybe us bar owners need to get together and speak with the council and ideally the police.

Commented Nikki in La Marina 2011-07-05 15:13:28 UTC

We have just spent a couple of hours at the Sports Complex listening to Bella Luna. We have had a lovely night. In the 8 Years we have lived on the Urb we have never heard of there being any trouble at this venue. So why should the Local Police persecute Helena and Pallo(forgive me if i have spelt your names wrong) for doing a good job. If people are profesional at what they do, then they deserve to suceed. Sour grapes are for wine making!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-05 22:48:44 UTC

Eve I am not saying that the sports complex should not be allowed to put on entertainment or have music. I am just saying that when other places do the same the rules have to be the same and clearly they are not. I know that some bars may have the music a little to loud at times and therefor it is acceptable that they be asked to turn it down and if they persist in having loud music then thngs need to be taken futhure. Mean while the rest of us are just trying to make an honest living.........just like your friends Helena & Pallo

Commented Nikki in La Marina 2011-07-05 23:13:28 UTC

You can see now the point that I have made several times in here.
It is very, very easy to ruffle feathers!
I know that you were not being malicious, I know that you were trying to be constructive, however, even with the best will in the world things sometime backfire.
I look forward as always to your observations.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-06 05:26:44 UTC

Hi Nikki, I would like to point out that I am not friends of Helena & Pallo, but neither am I their enemy I

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-06 09:21:14 UTC

Wacky Races

Anyone wishing to enter a vehicle in the Wacky Races which will take place during the Benijofar Fiestas (17th July) needs to register before the 13th July. The vehicles can carry up to 4 people (aged 16 or over).
A sketch of the vehicle must be presented to the town hall at the time of registration. The vehicle must have at least 3 wheels, and be a maximum of 1.8m wide, 2.4m long and 2.5m high. All team members must be dressed in appropriate fancy dress to suit the car!! There will be 3 trophies for the most original car/best dressed team.

Property Rentals / Sales

Just to remind everyone that your property does NOT have to be in the Benijofar area to advertise on the Benijofar site. The people using this site are not only visitors to the area looking for information but also residents of Benijofar who may be looking for a holiday rental elsewhere or may be looking to move to another area. So why not advertise your property on Benijofar Life, its free of charge and you receive a webpage dedicated entirely to your property which is easily set up and edited at your convenience.


Property Rentals / Sales

Just to remind everyone that your property does NOT have to be in the Benijofar area to advertise on the Benijofar site. The people using this site are not only visitors to the area looking for information but also residents of Benijofar who may be looking for a holiday rental elsewhere or may be looking to move to another area. So why not advertise your property on Benijofar Life, its free of charge and you receive a webpage dedicated entirely to your property which is easily set up and edited at your convenience.

Property Rentals / Sales

Just to remind everyone that your property does NOT have to be in the Benijofar area to advertise on the Benijofar site. The people using this site are not only visitors to the area looking for information but also residents of Benijofar who may be looking for a holiday rental elsewhere or may be looking to move to another area. So why not advertise your property on Benijofar Life, its free of charge and you receive a webpage dedicated entirely to your property which is easily set up and edited at your convenience.

Property Rentals / Sales

Just to remind everyone that your property does NOT have to be in the Benijofar area to advertise on the Benijofar site. The people using this site are not only visitors to the area looking for information but also residents of Benijofar who may be looking for a holiday rental elsewhere or may be looking to move to another area. So why not advertise your property on Benijofar Life, its free of charge and you receive a webpage dedicated entirely to your property which is easily set up and edited at your convenience.

Property Rentals / Sales

Just to remind everyone that your property does NOT have to be in the Benijofar area to advertise on the Benijofar site. The people using this site are not only visitors to the area looking for information but also residents of Benijofar who may be looking for a holiday rental elsewhere or may be looking to move to another area. So why not advertise your property on Benijofar Life, its free of charge and you receive a webpage dedicated entirely to your property which is easily set up and edited at your convenience.


Property Rentals / Sales

Just to remind everyone that your property does NOT have to be in the Benijofar area to advertise on the Benijofar site. The people using this site are not only visitors to the area looking for information but also residents of Benijofar who may be looking for a holiday rental elsewhere or may be looking to move to another area. So why not advertise your property on Benijofar Life, its free of charge and you receive a webpage dedicated entirely to your property which is easily set up and edited at your convenience.


Property Rentals / Sales

Just to remind everyone that your property does NOT have to be in the Benijofar area to advertise on this site. The people using this site are not only visitors to the area looking for information but also residents of Benijofar who may be looking for a holiday rental elsewhere or may be looking to move to another area. So why not advertise your property on Benijofar Life, its free of charge and you receive a webpage dedicated entirely to your property which is easily set up and edited at your convenience.

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